Pipework specialist Pruce Newman passed a significant landmark in Health and Safety management at the end of October, when they recorded over 1,000 calendar days without a reportable incident taking place across the business.

The company, which employs approximately 100 people across the South and East of England, undertakes activities in its own workshops and at client sites around the country, focussing on the fabrication and installation of pipework and structural components, and the installation and maintenance of mechanical plant, in a diverse range of environments including Top-Tier COMAH sites. Safety is one of Pruce Newman’s three Core Values, as many of the activities it undertakes are high-risk, and the specialist teams which Pruce Newman employs are some of the most highly-trained in the industry.

Speaking about this fantastic achievement, Dave Todd, Pruce Newman’s Infrastructure Manager, said:

Reaching this landmark of 1000 days without a RIDDOR reportable incident is a reflection of the attitude of all our staff towards carrying out their tasks safely, and of the efforts that have been made in monitoring and coaching our staff in the application of safe working practices, to reflect the company’s Safety First philosophy. The company has made considerable efforts in time, training and financial investment to ensure that everybody goes home at the end of the day safely, however this cannot be achieved without the full support and co-operation of all of our employees. All staff can be very proud of reaching this fantastic goal, which is all the more impressive considering the high risk engineering activities that are carried out on a day-to-day basis by all site staff. Well done everyone!

Incident reporting data is commonly used as a measure of health and safety performance, and Pruce Newman is proud of the fact that its safety statistics show a steadily improving trend over the course of recent years. The company is aiming to build on this strong foundation with a Zero Accidents approach as it continues to promote a positive safety culture both within and outside the business.